Brandneue Aurora

Brandneue Aurora

Ganzjahres Mobilheim

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Neue XLine

Neue XLine

Inspiriert und Luxuriös

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Verbesserte MLine

Verbesserte MLine

Neues Außendesign

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Virtuelle tour

Virtuelle tour

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2025 Saison

2025 Saison

Neue Kataloge & #AdriaGlamping Magazine

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MLine Pure

MLine Pure

Bestes B2B-Modell für mediterranen Komfort

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Brandneue Aurora

Brandneue Aurora

Ganzjahres Mobilheim

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Neue XLine

Neue XLine

Inspiriert und Luxuriös

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Verbesserte MLine

Verbesserte MLine

Neues Außendesign

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Virtuelle tour

Virtuelle tour

Entdecken Sie die Produkte in 360°

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2025 Saison

2025 Saison

Neue Kataloge & #AdriaGlamping Magazine

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MLine Pure

MLine Pure

Bestes B2B-Modell für mediterranen Komfort

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Brandneue Aurora

Brandneue Aurora

Ganzjahres Mobilheim

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Neue XLine

Neue XLine

Inspiriert und Luxuriös

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Verbesserte MLine

Verbesserte MLine

Neues Außendesign

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Virtuelle tour

Virtuelle tour

Entdecken Sie die Produkte in 360°

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2025 Saison

2025 Saison

Neue Kataloge & #AdriaGlamping Magazine

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MLine Pure

MLine Pure

Bestes B2B-Modell für mediterranen Komfort

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Über Adria

Adria Dom d.o.o. beschäftigt sich als Teil der Adria-Gruppe mit der Herstellung und Vermarktung von Mobilheimen und modularen Gebäuden, schwimmenden Häusern und luxuriösen Glamping-Zelten. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2002 hat das Unternehmen mehr als 20.000 Einheiten produziert, die durch den Einsatz technologisch fortschrittlicher Produktionsverfahren die Erwartungen der Kunden kontinuierlich übertreffen. Das Unternehmen hat in der Saison 2023 mehr als 1.500 Einheiten produziert und verkauft. Unsere Produkte sind bereits in 30 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt anwesend.


One stop shop

Adria ist der professionellste "One stop shop" für Glamping-Betreiber, Campingplätze und Resorts. Wir bieten einen einzigartigen kompletten Service, von der Herstellung von Standard- und kundenspezifischen Wohneinheiten bis hin zur Garantie und Kundendienstunterstützung. Wir bieten auch umfassende Unterstützung bei der Beratung, Lieferung und Installation.

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durch Erkundung, Marktforschung und Expertise.


basierend auf Know-How und Erfahrung. Wählen Sie Camping, Glamping, Themenparks und Dörfer.

Machbarkeit und planung

als Finanzanalyse, Projektbewertung und Kapitalrendite.


mit besten Architektur- und Landschaftslösungen.


und Konzepterstellung mit ausgezeichneten Produkten.


mit hochwertiger mehrdimensionaler Präsentation.


und Aktualisierung mit den wichtigsten Marketing Strategien. Umsatzentwicklung und Freigabe.

Falkensteiner premium - Zadar
Glamping Olimia - Adria Village
Falkensteiner premium - Zadar
Glamping Olimia - Adria Village

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We have good connections with the Adria staff and get the help we need. They are friendly and flexible to work with. The cooperation goes in two directions and we try to help eachother in many different ways and cases.

Gunnar Boman, CEO

Vastervik Resort AB, SWEDEN

We point out the quality of the materials and the design. Adria Home is not a cheap supplier, but we get good quality for the money spent. That is why we chose Adria instead others in the market. We wanted to offer good quality accommodations to our customers, due to the market niche we are.

David Escudero, Camping CEO

Ohai Nazaré Outdoor Resort, PORTUGAL

We wanted to have a reliable partner who would also support us with ideas. As this was our first experience in tourism, it was essential for us to have a partner with experience and a proven track record.

Ana Filipič, Director

River Camping Bled, SLOVENIA

The flexibility of the company and the novelties they make. They are very able at making the products according to the wishes of the customer

Wilbert van der Rijt, Camp Manager

Glampingresort Hoge Kempen, ZUTENDAAL

We were enthusiastic about the interaction between Adria sales, production and delivery. It all worked great. I was particularly fascinated by the transport to the island, which I will definitely never forget. Getting 10 pcs of Adria XLine’s to the island at the same time with a ferry, crossing the sometimes very narrow streets and arriving here without a single transport damage, that thrilled me.

Christian Jürgensen Camping Owner

Camping Mühlenhof, SYLT ISLAND

We would particularly like to emphasize the overall good handling from the first discussions to the final implementation of the overall project both with Adria Home and also our German contact and sales partner, Daalmann Mobilheime GmbH

Frank Muschiol, Director of Sales & Marketing

Zoo Safaripark, Schloß Holte, STUKENBROCK

As a company, Adria is able to be creative to develop new products together with us that are especially suitable for our market.

Jeroen Knols, General Manager

Camping Gulperberg, GULPEN

We were very pleased with the overall implementation of the project. We are very satisfied with Adria's products, the reactions of the guests are very positive, they are enthusiastic about the luxurious feeling during the stay.

Kellie Townsend, Destination Manager

First Camp Stensö Camping, SWEDEN

We have good connections with the Adria staff and get the help we need. They are friendly and flexible to work with. The cooperation goes in two directions and we try to help eachother in many different ways and cases.

Gunnar Boman, CEO

Vastervik Resort AB, SWEDEN

We point out the quality of the materials and the design. Adria Home is not a cheap supplier, but we get good quality for the money spent. That is why we chose Adria instead others in the market. We wanted to offer good quality accommodations to our customers, due to the market niche we are.

David Escudero, Camping CEO

Ohai Nazaré Outdoor Resort, PORTUGAL

We wanted to have a reliable partner who would also support us with ideas. As this was our first experience in tourism, it was essential for us to have a partner with experience and a proven track record.

Ana Filipič, Director

River Camping Bled, SLOVENIA

The flexibility of the company and the novelties they make. They are very able at making the products according to the wishes of the customer

Wilbert van der Rijt, Camp Manager

Glampingresort Hoge Kempen, ZUTENDAAL

We were enthusiastic about the interaction between Adria sales, production and delivery. It all worked great. I was particularly fascinated by the transport to the island, which I will definitely never forget. Getting 10 pcs of Adria XLine’s to the island at the same time with a ferry, crossing the sometimes very narrow streets and arriving here without a single transport damage, that thrilled me.

Christian Jürgensen Camping Owner

Camping Mühlenhof, SYLT ISLAND

We would particularly like to emphasize the overall good handling from the first discussions to the final implementation of the overall project both with Adria Home and also our German contact and sales partner, Daalmann Mobilheime GmbH

Frank Muschiol, Director of Sales & Marketing

Zoo Safaripark, Schloß Holte, STUKENBROCK